Picash-Credito Préstamo

by picash



Picash- online loan in Peru, fast, efficient and without collateralPicash Loan provides reliable loan services to users in Peru, helping those who need funds. You just need to answer a few questions and identify yourself, we will issue a loan judgment in a few minutes. Generally, the amount and interest rate we can provide is approximately:Credit limit: 2,000 to 200,000 soles;Loan duration: loan term from 91 days to 300 daysDaily interest rate: 0.09% annual interest rate up to (APR) 33%;For example: the loan is 10,000 soles and the loan term is 91 days, you only have to pay 819 soles of interest (10,000*0.09%*91=819) and 155 soles (interest 819* 19% = 155) VAT. The total amount paid is 10,974 soles.Maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) 33%Why borrow in takay?1. The best Peruvian personal credit loan platform provides online loan services in the form of personal credit to provide emergency help to users.In Peru, these processes are easy and safe!2. No warrantyThere are no fees to apply for a loan, apply for cash, or deposit directly into your account.⚡ cash loanIt only takes 3 minutes maximum, just complete a short personal information questionnaire and the funds will be released to your account within 10 minutes of the quick review.Address: Jirón Cailloma 273, Lima 15001 PeruOver 18 years old to use this product